免费国外空间,国外免费空间,'s Archiver

kxin 发表于 2013-10-4 16:48


[tr][td][b]Unfortunately, we are unable to process your purchase using this form of payment. Please utilize another form of payment, or contact (480) 624-2500 for further assistance.[/b][/td][/tr]
[/table][p=30, 2, center]Please [b][url=https://cart.securepaynet.net/Payment.aspx?prog_id=1anddone&isc=cjc399f]click here[/url] [/b]to go back and confirm that your information is correct.[/p]
[p=30, 2, center]域名续费10.17美元,竟然不支持支付宝付款,怎么情况,是GD的域名啊。不过我在GD分销商处购买的,1anddone [/p]
[p=30, 2, center]什么情况呢[/p]

aukwokfai 发表于 2013-10-4 18:13

Hexonet域名注册机构 [url]https://www.hexonet.net[/url]


idc886 发表于 2013-10-5 18:15

现在好了吗??  看他们说  可能是 什么优惠码,,或是推广链接原因。  


kxin 发表于 2013-10-8 11:01

我没用优惠码,今天还是提示  Unfortunately, we are unable to process your purchase using this form of payment. Please utilize another form of payment, or contact (480) 624-2500 for further assistance.
Please click here to go back and confirm that your information is correct.

idc886 发表于 2013-10-8 11:18


删除缓存,是清空浏览器缓存,和 包括 Cookies

还有,上面币种请选择 US 美元

kxin 发表于 2013-10-8 11:54

恩,换电脑就不存在缓存撒,支付倒是有 支付宝选项,如果是支付宝接口问题,那都一个多周了,再说 也不会提示说 让用美元支付吧, 我在想,估计是不支持支付宝了,

loneil 发表于 2013-10-15 12:58


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